1:1 iPad Program
The one to one iPad system in the Elementary School provides all students with innovative opportunities to learn, create and present lessons through Common Sense Education on Digital Citizenship, based on a provided scope and sequence. These courses are taught to show students how to use iPads independently and effectively. In addition, all students are engaged in ‘Everyone Can Code’ lessons on a regular basis, taught by their homeroom teachers, so that technology is used as not only as a tool for learning and presentation, but also for creation and application.
We believe in the power of iPad to transform teaching and learning and preparing our students for the future.
The Different Ways the iPad Program Helps Students
Communication & Creation
Using iPad across subject areas allows our students to communicate their learning and express themselves in multiple languages as well as in multi-modal formats. Access to robotic devices at DAA provides numerous opportunities for our students to creatively communicate their learning.
The opportunity for student choice in how to create and share learning increases as they move through Elementary School.
Critical Thinking
The integration of our tailored Everyone Can Code curriculum across the Elementary School, a newly developed transdisciplinary curriculum, and the implementation of our Future Fluencies within each unit of study all contribute to the development of our students’ critical thinking skills. iPad bridges student learning with the real-world, where application of these critical thinking skills create authentic learning experiences.
Personalization of Learning
Designing instruction in which the instructional approach, learning opportunity, and assessment are all created for a specific learner helps teachers meet the needs of our diverse student body. Providing a variety of font choices, a host of accessibility features, and the ability to collaborate on core Apple apps have opened the doors for teachers at DAA to truly personalize learning for each individual student.
Real-World Engagement
Learning is meaningless unless it can be applied in the real-world. To this end, teachers at DAA design units of study that allow students to connect to, engage with, and make a difference in their world. iPad has allowed students to take their learning beyond their classroom and into local and global communities. In an effort to build educational partnerships, students at DAA have partnered with other schools in the region to share their learning with peers.
Students possess diverse talents, strengths, and skills, so when using the iPad to collaborate, our students are able to draw on each other’s strengths and succeed beyond their imagination. Collaboration features on the iPad promote efficiency and teamwork skills, allowing our students to work from anywhere, anytime.
Flexible Learning spaces combined with iPad gives students the opportunity to learn in environments that are personal to them and their learning needs.
Whether learners are flying drones in our Drone Aviary, making collaborative green screen videos in our common areas, or creating multimedia projects from the comfort of a bean bag, our students are empowered to learn in the environment that inspires them most. We believe that flexible learning spaces are an instrumental part of our goal to provide transformational teaching and learning experiences for our community.